The kids actually started school weeks ago but of course I wasn't blogging then. So here are some pictures of them on their first day.
Jordan started high school and early morning seminary this year. Poor thing has to get up at 5:00 a.m. every day. He's such a responsible kid though. He never needs me to wake him up, ever. He went through the last two school years getting himself up and out the door with no help from his lazy mom still in bed. After school he has football practice until 5:30 so that's a 12 hour day for him! I don't know how he does it?
Logan is in 8th grade. He also got himself up and out the door all of last year by himself. I don't know why, but that really impresses me. They are both such good kids! Since I drive Jordan to seminary at 5:30 every other week, I am now awake most of the time when Logan gets up. Such a cute, happy kid.
Austin is in 5th grade and enjoys going to school. He is still in strings playing the violin and loves it. I have to almost force him to come inside when he gets off the bus though. I've had to re-train him to come inside the house, say hello, and do his homework and chores etc. before going out to play. He would prefer to dump everything at the door and take off on his bike for hours!
Cole started kindergarten at Longview Farm Elementary which is such an amazing school! He says he likes kindergarten "okay". The kind of mood he comes home with depends on whether or not he got to sit by his friend Jay on the bus. If he ever gets to then it was "the best day ever" but if not then it "wasn't a good day" (said with a long sad Cole face). I can't believe he is this old. I miss him but it is fun to watch him learn and grow.